Donate to The Upside Foundation


Founders who pledge become Upside Members, joining a community of like-minded peers who support each other's growth and success

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Connect and collaborate with Upside’s thriving community of hundreds of impact-driven founders, as well as with our curated group of partners
Learn from other values-aligned entrepreneurs at Upside’s intimate events attended by startup CEOs, investors, and community leaders
Attract like-minded employees, customers and investors, and promote Upside’s innovative model as a best practice for startup social responsibility

There are a number of benefits that come with engaging in social responsibility through Upside.
Founders can ensure they are making the most of their Upside advantage by following
this guide.


We've long been hosting private, curated events for the CEOs of our Member companies. These regularly receive scores over 90% on value for founders (and on more than one occasion have been described as, 'the best networking event I've ever been to'). 

Our core events were previously hosted in Toronto, with regional events and conference meetups occurring in major city centres across Canada. See below for an overview of the programming we look forward to providing again once we return to a (new) normal!

Since COVID-19 required that all in-person events be cancelled, we have adapted our programming to continue to provide spaces for founders to connect with each other virtually. These have included online AMAs and Office Hours with experts as well as opportunities for founders to connect with one another directly on the challenges they are navigating in a Mastermind and informal format.

Fireside Chat with Mike Katchen, Founder & CEO of Wealthsimple

New and existing Members, Board Directors and Team Members welcome our Spring/Summer 2020 Cohort at our New Member Celebration

Each new Member was previously invited to a welcome dinner hosted by a prominent Upside founder. Since changing our programming to be online, we have begun hosting Online Pledge Ceremonies to celebrate alongside Upside Co-founders, Partners, and Members across the country.

New Member Dinner with Allen Lau of Wattpad

New Member Dinner with Allen Lau, Founder & CEO of Wattpad

Upside previously hosted curated breakfasts for founders from similar industries or facing similar challenges.

Upside "Marketplaces" Member breakfast

A Member breakfast discussion about building two-sided marketplaces, hosted by Ben Zifkin, Founder & CEO of Hubba

Upside hosts meetups at major conferences across Canada to bring  founders together, now online!

Startupfest After Party

Startupfest Afterparty in Montreal

Every Quarter, Upside hosted an opportunity for Members to connect with, learn from, and inspire each other.

Fireside Chat with Mike Katchen, Founder & CEO of Wealthsimple

Fireside Chat with Mike Katchen, Founder & CEO of Wealthsimple


"This was the single most useful event I've been to this year. Fred Lalonde [CEO of Hopper] was amazing and gave tactical advice that was specifically related to 9 of the challenges I'm currently facing."

Daniel Tuba D'Souza, Co-founder & COO of Crescendo


"Through Upside I was able to connect with one of Canada's most prominent entrepreneurs, who has now become a mentor and supporter to me. Upside's network is powerful!"

Morgan Rosenberg, Founder & CEO of Supports Health


“Representing our values with Upside is a really great way to say to potential employees, investors, partners, that we care about giving back and we've baked that into our company from day one.”

Erin Bury, Co-founder & CEO of Willful


"I am so grateful to be part of this amazing community! Last year, Upside's partner Interac sponsored tickets to Elevate for Upside Members. I never expected my charitable commitment to unlock so many unexpected perks."

Leila Lavaee, Founder & Chief Travel Designer at Travel Design by Leila Lavaee

Ready to bring your values to life in your company

Fill out the one minute pledge form,
or explore if Upside is a fit for you